A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

APIL Cymru Wales group
(202 members)

Date of next meeting

11 Oct 2024, 12:00 to 13:30

“I much prefer the online delivery - saves so much time!”

APIL is bringing to members a special live virtual meeting which is being organised by the
Cymru Wales regional group coordinators Sandeep Gill and Laura Bailey

The virtual meeting will take place on
Friday, 11th October 2024 from 12:00 - 13:30

Sandeep Gill and Laura Bailey
APIL's Cymru Wales Group Coordinators

Pending Changes to the PI Discount rate

Andrew Arensten

The talk will explain what the discount rate aims to achieve, to place rate changes in historical context, to discuss the pending review, to try and predict the likely outcome including single and dual rates of investment and to give some insight into how Claimants and Defendants are presently approaching the practical resolution of catastrophic claims. 

Q&A session


12:00 to 13:30
1 CPD hour

Group contacts


Suggest a topic or speaker for a future meeting


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You must be an APIL member to join this group. APIL members are automatically assigned a regional group based on their location. Group & community membership can be managed online.

Details of previous meetings

19 Jul
16:30 to 18:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Introduction
  • Communicating effectively with the Court
  • The challenges facing case managers and rehabilitation teams in the current economic climate.
Presented by: Ben Davies, Julie Smith, Laura Bailey & Sandeep Gill
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17 Nov
16:00 to 18:00

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Introduction
  • The importance of getting witness evidence right and the impact at trial
  • Traumatic brain injury for non-specialists
Presented by: Simon Hughes, Tracey Ryan-Morgan, Laura Bailey & Cenric Clement-Evans
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15 Sep
16:00 to 18:00
Live webinar

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Introduction and welcome
  • The courts in Wales under “lockdown”
  • The changes to Odgen 8
  • APIL campaign and activity update
  • An opportunity to hear from APIL's CEO
Presented by: Laura Bailey, Mike Benner, Cenric Clement-Evans, Robert Harrison, Nicholas David Jones & Pauline Roberts
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8 Sep
12:00 to 13:00
Live webinar

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Introduction and welcome
  • The devolution of justice in Wales
  • View from Scotland
  • View from Northern Ireland
Presented by: Laura Bailey, Cenric Clement-Evans, Ronald Conway, Oonagh McClure & Jeremy Miles MS
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7 Jul
16:00 to 18:00
Live webinar

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Introduction and APIL during lockdown
  • Highways cases - an update including the recent case of Barlow v Wigan MBC
  • Covid-19 and the courts
  • The bankrupt defendant
  • Well-being and support
  • What it means to be an injured person during lockdown
Presented by: Helen Blundell, Cenric Clement-Evans, Ben Davies, Samuel Robert Elsby, Philippa Feltham-White, John Michael Imperato & Elizabeth Rimmer
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24 Jan
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Introduction and update
  • A view from the Bench
  • Benefits of case management – an interactive session
Presented by: Cenric Clement-Evans, Robert Harrison & Rhiannon Stokes
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11 Jan
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Handling and harnessing the Media
  • Future loss of earnings and prejudice on the labour market
  • APIL campaign activity update
Presented by: Simon Hughes, John Michael Imperato & Alexandra Turk
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8 Mar
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • APIL campaign activity at a glance
  • The social media conspiracy: getting your marketing ducks in a row
  • Latest Developments in PI
Presented by: Cenric Clement-Evans, John McQuater & Emma Waddingham
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9 Nov
15:00 to 18:00

APIL Cymru Wales

  • APIL campaign activity at a glance
  • Fatal accidents
  • What's occurring in Wales
  • Latest developments in Northern Ireland
  • Use of media and communications
  • Cases in the Supreme Court
Presented by: Cenric Clement-Evans, Gordon Dalyell, Lorraine Gwinnutt, Martin Hanna, Neil Sugarman & Nigel Tomkins
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29 Jun
17:00 to 19:00

APIL Cymru Wales

  • APIL campaign activity at a glance
  • Holiday claims with an emphasis on food poisoning
  • Airplane travel personal injury update
Presented by: Cenric Clement-Evans, Tom Collins, Jack Harding & John Michael Imperato
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10 Feb
17:00 to 19:00

APIL Cymru Wales

  • The rising of the small claims cost limit
  • APIL campaign activity at a glance
  • NIHL case law update
  • NIHL CJC work - TBC
Presented by: Cenric Clement-Evans, Deborah Evans & David Harris
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21 May
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Wales & APIL Costs and Funding joint meeting

  • Costs update - Budgets, Provisional Assessment, J Codes and the Courts
Presented by: Gary Barker & John Michael Imperato
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23 Feb
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Clinical Negligence - the latest
  • Current EC activities within APIL
Presented by: Cenric Clement-Evans & John McQuater
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16 Jul
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • acting for survivors of child abuse
  • Mitchell update
  • holiday personal injury claims
  • current EC activities within APIL
Presented by:
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13 Mar
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Mitchell - the impact
  • s.69 Enterprise Act 2014 - why you still need to use health and safety regulations
  • Current EC activities within APIL
Presented by:
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24 Jun
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Jackson - how it's working with the local courts
  • How to get the best out of your expert from an orthopaedic sugeons view
  • Current EC activities within APIL
Presented by:
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21 Jan
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Lofstedt & LASPOB - the latest
  • Causation in cancer cases following the decision in the Phurnacite Group Litigations
  • Current EC activities within APIL
Presented by:
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15 May
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • The role of the Pathologist in asbestos disease claims
  • The latest on APIL
Presented by:
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1 Nov
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Part 36 cost issues
  • ABS toolkit - what you need to know
  • Current EC activities within APIL
Presented by:
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6 Oct
17:30 to 19:30

APIL Cymru Wales

  • Part 36 cost issues
  • ABS toolkit - what you need to know
  • Current activities within APIL
Presented by:
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