A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Sheena Hardwick

Occupational Therapist and Case Manager, Sherwood Therapy Services, Nottingham

Since qualifying in 1993, Sheena has worked as an occupational therapist and case manager. She has worked in the UK and USA, within the NHS, social services, education and in private practice. She has worked as an independent expert witness since 2009. She has extensive experience in preparing medico-legal reports for use in personal injury litigation, attending court, pre-trial conferences and engaging in experts’ meetings. She has also provided written and oral evidence at educational tribunals.

Her clinical expertise includes:

  • In-depth understanding of the impact of disability on function for children and adults
  • CQC Registered Manager
  • Ability to identify care needs for people with complex disabilities and understand how these needs will change over time
  • Knowledge and practice of setting up and co-ordinating packages of complex care and therapies as a case manager
  • Knowledge and practice of a range of treatment interventions and approaches to develop functional skills in children and younger adults
  • Sensory integration therapist
  • Knowledge and assessment of specialist equipment
  • Moving and handling assessor and trainer
  • Best Interest assessor
  • In-depth understanding of safeguarding
  • In-depth understanding of transition
  • Supporting families and training carers to care for children and adults with complex disabilities

Sheena’s clinical case load as a case manager and an occupational therapist primarily involves people with highly complex needs, including physical disabilities, cerebral palsy, acquired brain injury, spinal cord injuries, autism, learning disabilities and challenging behaviour. She works in partnership with her client and collaboratively with others to assess, plan, implement, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the option and services required to meet her client’s health and wellbeing, education/occupational needs. She recruits and manages support workers and therapy teams. She provides training to care and educational staff. She works with specialist suppliers to assess for, issue and review bespoke equipment