A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people
A not-for-profit organisation
committed to injured people

Regulations and duties post Enterprise Act (webinar)

All levels - 1 hour

(Please note that the number of CPD hours may be subject to change)

One of a series of webinars covering the essentials in running and winning employers liability cases in the modern era. Each webinar will focus on the building blocks you need to be successful in these cases.

The introduction of s69 of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 changed how personal injury cases against employers have to be run. It did not abolish health and safety regulations. They still exist and employers are required to comply with them.

What did change? How you plead your cases in order to succeed.

After this webinar you will understand:

  • What s69 changed and what it did not change
  • How the principles in webinar 1 and 2 are relevant
  • The relevance of the regulations to:
    • Duty of care
    • Breach of duty
    • Forseeability of harm
  • The key information and law you need to know in order to win cases
  • The European aspects of this area now and what Brexit may mean for this area going forward


This webinar can be viewed individually or as part of a series!

The webinars in this six part series include:

SPECIAL OFFER - Accidents at work: the essentials

Get all 6 Accidents at work: the essentials webinars for the price of 5

  • 1 person - £325 + VAT
  • Small office (2 - 6 people) - £525 + VAT
  • Large office (7+ people) - £800 + VAT
To book all six call 0115 943 5400 or download booking form

1 person - member/accredited firm: £65 + VAT
1 person - non-member: £65 + VAT
Small office (2 - 6 people): £105 + VAT
Large office (7 people or more): £160 + VAT
Whole organisation (All staff at all offices): £320 + VAT


All people registered for live webinars will automatically be emailed details to view the on-demand learining following the webinar, whether you view live or not. Webinar recordings are available to view for up to six months.